
ECTACO jetBook was called "the sexiest ebook reader"

HAK5 made a presentation of the ECTACO jetBook. Here's what they have to say. The original here.

The ECTACO SpeechGuard MD-5 allows emergency responders and medical personnel in Haiti to benefit from instant speech-to-speech communication

NEW YORK, Jan. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, ECTACO, Inc., the worldwide leader in hand-held translation devices releases the first English-Haitian (Creole) Speech-to-Speech Medical translator.

For 20 years as developers and manufacturers of linguistic products, ECTACO has helped millions of people worldwide to overcome language barriers. The SpeechGuard handheld speech-to-speech device was initially requested by the Department of Defense to be developed for translation use by the military. It has subsequently become used by many, including law enforcement, medical and Homeland Security agencies throughout the United States.

ECTACO's SpeechGuard MD-5 is the only handheld electronic speech-to-speech device with first responder and medical content that affords translation from English to Haitian (Creole). Simply speak into the SpeechGuard in English and it will translate and repeat what you say in Haitian (Creole) instantly based on the recognition of its Audio Phrasebook. "In support of disaster recovery and emergency medical efforts in Haiti, we have readily made available thousands of dedicated units to be shipped expeditiously," notes ECTACO CEO, David Lubinitsky.

The handheld and pocket sized SpeechGuard is very easy to operate and takes 15-20 minutes of handling to get familiarized with its use. Users can speak a command, phrase, or question into SpeechGuard and be instantly understood in numerous languages based on the modification. Modifications include PD-5 (Law Enforcement), GI-5 (Military), HS-5 (Homeland Security), and MD-5 (Medical).

Orders can be placed with Tim Houston at 718-728-1728 or by email at timothy.houston@ectacoinc.com or visit www.speechguard.com for further information.

ECTACO, Inc., is a New York based company specializing in multilingual global communications, with 20 years of experience, 18 offices, and millions of satisfied customers.



Another User Video of ECTACO jetBook from CES 2010


Would you buy a Jetbook Lite Again?

Such was the question posted by a user on Mobilread. And the answer was mostly "yes", which is very pleasing. To read the comments, please, follow the link.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly about ECTACO jetBook

A customer of ours has posted on Mobileread his honest review on ECTACO jetBook Lite. It is quite honest, so we have to share it with you.

"I also received my Jetbook Lite today.

Good: the screen is quite readable and clear even in weak light. I looked at a Sony PRS-300 last weekend and I honestly think that although its e-Ink screen was good, it was not as sharp and crisp as the JBL's reflective TFT screen. I loaded several books (TXT, ePub, pdb, and PDF) onto an old used 2 GB SD card I had sitting around. I popped in the SD card and was able to read my books without much fuss.
I also like that it works with plain old AA batteries; I can travel with it and never have to worry about adapters or charging.
The photo display feature isn't that great. I can see carrying a few fave photos around, but I see it being useful for viewing street maps I captured off the internet with a web browser.

Bad: I do not like the left-side slider switch - it is fairly stiff and difficult to slide. Fortunately I find I just ignore it and use the chrome left-right buttons anyhow, so not a biggy.
I also don't like the fact that locked books do not seem to let me adjust the font size. Other books I prefer 18pt font, but I can't seem to make that work with the locked books.

Ugly: I find that it seems to miss some of the words on the page breaks when viewing locked books. I've seen this mentioned by others a few times, so I am hoping that Ectaco is working on fixing this in a firmware upgrade."

Original here

Note: We have been listening to our customers, and in the latest update the "ugly" part has been solved.

Jetbook Lite vs Sony PRS300

Our customers have discussed the advatages and disadvantages of the ECTACO jetBook Lite in comparison with the Sony PRS300. I must admit, the reviews are rather favourable for us. I cannot but share them on our blog.
"I just received the Jetbook lite (JBL) today And I want to provide a brief comparison between it and the Sony PRS300 I have only held in my hand at local stores.

I do not own a Sony PRS300.
The JJBL is $149 or less
The Sony PRS300 is $179 or more.

If the Sony were priced at $99 I would still by the JBL at $149.
Based on the short time I have had the JBL and played with the sony I think the ease of navigation on the JBL, the quick screen change, and the file system are the first reasons that come to mind.

I did not have a chance or ability to use the Sony in low light conditions. The JBL does require a book light in a low light room. Im not going to go into detail on this since I really only used the sony a few times.

But to sum up based on quick first impressions, book and menu navigation, page turn options, page turn rate, and file system won me over.

For the record, this is an honest opinion and not a self suggested sense of happiness with my purchase as described in the PBS Series "This Emotional Life" which is excellent by the way."

by P.X. Fort

Before I bought a Jetbook Lite, I went to a Sony vendor and took a good look at a PRS-300. The screen was good, but it wasn't perfect. I also didn't like the e-Ink's black inverted 'flash'.
I couldn't find a local vendor for Jetbook, but after watching some videos on Youtube, I decided to take a gamble on ordering one online.
I am glad I did - I can honestly say that I think the Jetbook's screen is actually superior. Both are about as readable as the other in the same lighting conditions, and the JBL's TFT screen refreshes much faster when turning pages, and without the annoying flash.
I transferred over several books I had in TXT, ePub, and PDF format without incident. I also tried copying over a couple of DRM PDB files, and they are quite readable.
Overall I am happy with the Jetbook, and the total cost with taxes and shipping was $145 CND from Newegg.ca The price for a Sony PRS-300 locally is $239 CND plus taxes, so I figure that I saved over a hundred dollars - money that I can put towards buying some new eBooks!"

by LS650

Original here

ECTACO to present its lightweight e-book device 'jetBook' via AVING USA

AVING USA has posted info on ECTACO jetBook being presented at the CES 2010.

"LAS VEGAS, USA (AVING Special Report on 'CES 2010') -- ECTACO presented its lightweight e-book device 'jetBook' during CES 2010.

Capable of storing thousands of books in the world's most popular languages, plus music and picture files, it is a universal mobile library for professional, business and leisure reading.

Equipped with a 5-inch high-resolution display and a viewing angle close to 180-degree, it is fully customizable. It also supports up to 24 hours of battery life."

Original here


"Affordable eBook Reader with Some Shortcomings"

Here's an honest review of the jetBook Lite with its advantages and disatvantages. Great read of one professional writing. Enjoy!

"Yahoo - I have been waiting for an eBook reader with excellent readability and ergonomics for $ 150, and here it is: the Ectaco JetBook Lite.

No, not the JBL wireless communications, and no, it does not play mp3s. I have a small device called an mp3 player that does exactly that!

What does the JBL Serve supports a variety of ebook formats, including mobile format of the New York Public Library, together with eReader DRM FictionBook, plain text, PDF, EPUB, and others.

The JBL not e-Ink technology. Instead, sport a very readable LCD screen with the added advantage over E-Ink screens of fast Turn the page: as fast as possible to apply a sheet of paper, in fact.

The JBL-screen provides high-contrast black text on white background, similar to the Nook unity and better than the Kindle, from the photos I've ever seen.

I read "The Mysterious Island" on the JBL for several hours without eye fatigue. Although light in my dark apartment on the first floor is not the best, take it nice on the background.

There are two page-turning controls, one on the left side of the device, the other on the front below the screen. Both are well suited for use in the left hand while his right hand free to hold on a subway pole or the band.

The JBL sports several built dictionaries, makes it easy to look up words in English or translate them from other languages. The device also comes with a number of classics on board, including Shakespeare, Dickens, Joyce, the Bible, and much more.

You can also plug an SD card, the expansion of space to hold an enormous number of ebooks - enough for even the longest holiday abroad or the longest journey!

The JBL also "plays well" with Windows XP. My computer immediately recognized it (well) after a pause for the obligatory reboot, and it is easy to copy files to my computer.

I had created a little trouble finding Mobi some books which I copied to the Mobipocket Reader on my computer, I found her with the unity file manager routine in a second folder, it was for the purpose. I later used the workplace to these files in the original book of the unit folder that the resumption of reading much faster and easier when the device-making move.

The JBL is rated to run for more than 20 hours on four AA batteries. I have is with high-performance NiMH rechargeable batteries and the power meter reading, still in full after several hours of reading. This certainly had better, the Franklin eBookMan, I have - and the JBL does not lose his memory when you change the batteries!

You can not see in the photos, but the device has a bulge to accommodate the back of the left hand side to the battery chamber. That actually makes the reader comfortable in your left hand to hold, and it serves as a handy stand, if you switch to landscape mode while you eat on the table.

Finally JBL fits nicely into my back jeans pocket.

What can I say? If you do not care about wireless capabilities ... If you already have an MP3 player ... and if you have better things to do with your money than to spend more than two hundred shells on an eBook Reader ... Check out the ECTACO JetBook Lite.

It is important and shows an entire library of ebooks with first-class readability and ergonomics, and that's where it really counts!..."

read the rest

CES 2010 jetBook LITE Hands On Demo

One of our fans has placed a video on Mobileread with an ECTACO jetBook Lite Presentation directly from CES 2010. Enjoy!

The original here


CES 2010 ECTACO jetBook Lite Review

Techbglogger Sumocat posted a review on the jetBook Lite at GottaBeMobile.com. A really nice review. Thanks, Sumocat!

"CES 2010: 14 second with jetBook

Okay, I tried to spend some time with each of the hot eReaders at CES, but there were plenty of others on display, more than I could possibly spend time with. So I decided to pick one other to check out and the one that caught my eye was the jetBook.

Unfortunately, I had burnt up too much camera battery before getting to them, so I only got 14 seconds for a back and front view and pricing. I feel bad about that, but I was impressed by their angle in the eReader game, aiming for affordability and simple operation. While everyone else is duking it out in the high end of the market with fancier hardware, stuffing in as many features as they can, these guys are trying to make the eReader for everyone else.

Page turning is done with a slider bar that makes sense in either landscape or portrait mode, and yes, the jetBook can flip between both. It is not an e-ink device. Rather it uses a 5-inch VGA reflective monochrome TFT screen. It was fine under the bright lights at the show and interestingly, I thought the glare of those lights was worse on some of the e-ink readers than on the jetBook.

What really caught my eye was the grip on the jetBook lite, which uses AA batteries instead of a built-in li-ion. That cuts its price to $150 compared to $180 for the li-ion version. This causes the battery area to protrude considerably, but it felt really good in my hand. I could get a solid grip on it without accidentally hitting any of the controls. No wireless so it sideloads via SD card.

No, it’s not a premium eReader like the stars at CES, but eReaders should not be just for gadget geeks or the deep pocket crowd. If I was shopping for a simple, straightforward eReader to carry around or an eReader for a kid, this would be it." the original here

Another positive review on the jetBook Lite's latest Update!

I stumbled into a post on Mobileread today where a customer of our talks about the upside of the latest update. Here's the short review:

"Jetbook Lite 0.15 is great

It solved the problems I was complaining about with the JBL. I got engrossed in a book last night and read until well past my intended bedtime. The JBL is now a very nice reading experience.

Thanks to the folks at Ectaco for getting this out..." read on


Comic Book Reading on jetBook Lite?

It has been quite a frequent question coming from our potential customers: how easy is it to do manga or other comics on the jetBook. Well, here's the presentation:

Pleasant Update

A customer of ours, Robert J, Sawyer, the famous Canadian writer, has been posting reviews on jetBook Lite on his blog recently. It's always nice to know that's someone as important, like your customer, is happy about the work you've done. Below id the latest Robert's review.

"It's gonna be a few days before I have time to play around with doing a firmware upgrade, but over at the ECTACO forum, user JeePea reports that the various problems I and others have reported with the ECTACO jetBook - Lite handling ebooks in eReader format (Fictionwise and Barnes and Noble's DRM ebook format) have been fixed by the new firmware released today -- so, yay! Here's what JeePea has to say:This firmware update seems to solve several problems. First, there is no text loss at the end of the page for DRMed PDB from ereader.com. Second, there is now an option for changing the alignment from full justification to left aligned. And third, I think they've fixed the problem with having to enter unlock information for each... " read on

Smithno says: "Finally gave in and bought a jetBook Lite"

Right after Chrsitmas we gained a new customer (among thousands of others ;) who posted his first impression of the ECTACO jetBook Lite on Mobileread. We could not but quote it. So, enjoy.

"The day after Christmas, I gave in to the Fictionwise deal and bought a jetBook Lite with the $50 in Micropay credits. It came yesterday. The unit was drop shipped directly from Etaco. Downside is I had no clue it had even been shipped. It has the 14n firmware, which I believe is the latest. I haven't tried a PDB book yet, but I just dropped in the SD card out of my EZ Reader and it works fine! I'll try a DRM'ed book tonight. The battery lump makes it very comfortable to hold and use the slider bar to change pages." (the original here)